Saturday, October 20, 2018

Picture Time!

1. Cơm Gà Xối Mỡ-basically rice with fried chicken :)
2-4. Working on helping our recent convert, Em Huy, and investigator Em Tú, prepare talks.
5. Being anxiously engaged in the work of the Lord!

Here are just some things that are going on with me: I had my temple recommend interview with President Chiles, and I've got a new recommend (in Vietnamese). It will be good for three months after I get back from my mission. We also had Zone Conference in Sài Gòn, and at the beginning of the conference, Sister Chiles had us write down any questions or things that we wanted answers to. I wrote down this question in my study journal: "How can I truly come to truly love the work?" I received one answer during the conference that was so clear: If I wasn't loving or enjoying the work, then I just needed to get out and do the work!

1. Picture of our apartment.
2. Elders in the Bình Dương District.

Hello everyone! Xin Chào from Vietnam!

Miracles from this week: An investigator that my companion and I have been working with (his name is Chú Tú), passed his baptismal interview on Saturday, and he will be baptized next Sunday! He is in his 40's, and he speaks really good English (he is a Vietnamese person, just thought I'd clarify that). Another one: We have an 11 year-old recent convert named Em Huy, and he is so cute! He gave a talk today in sacrament meeting that we had helped him prepare for. He was so brave and he went up and gave the talk all on his own with the piece of paper that he wrote his talk on. It was awesome! Another cool thing that happened yesterday: A recent convert from the branch named Anh Hà invited me to be the one to ordain him to the Melchezidek Priesthood. That was the first time that I ever did something like that. It's cool, because when I was in my first area in the mission with my trainer (your trainer is your very first companion in the mission field), we were teaching Anh Hà and his family (they were living in Sài Gòn at that time). My trainer and I were not able to get them to be baptized while we were there. Eventually though, Anh Hà was baptized in the branch that I'm currently in, and he and his family moved to Bình Dương. So, it's really cool, because they were in my first area, and now I get to see them in my last area as well! Anh Hà has helped us in lessons too, and his daughter is getting baptized soon! Another miracle: We have been encouraged by our leaders to go outside of our apartment for companion and language study, and also for weekly planning. My companion and I did this one day and went to a cafe area for weekly planning. This man named Anh Kiệt started talking to us, and we had a good conversation with him. We invited him to our free English activity and to sacrament meeting. He came to sacrament meeting yesterday and stayed for Gospel Principles class! We think that he will start learning!

Testimony Time:
I would like to share my simple testimony that I know that the temple is the Lord's house, and that we can truly feel peace and the spirit when we go there. I love the lyrics to the song "I love to see the Temple: I love to see the Temple. I'm going there someday to feel the holy spirit to listen and to pray. For the temple is a house of God, a place of love and beauty. I'll prepare myself while I am young. This is my sacred duty." Please make time to go to the temple when you can, because it will bless your life, and it is worth the sacrifices to make it there. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

1. Sunday dinner at the senior missionaries' apartment with our investigator Chú Tú who will be getting baptized next week!
2. Sleeping in a hammock for nap time (first time doing that...).
3. With investigator Chú Tú.
4. Phở xào bò (stir-fried phở noodles with beef and vegetables.). Delicious!

This week (week of 9/24/2018) my companion and I had a wonderful opportunity to see our investigator Chú Tú be baptized and confirmed on Sunday. I had the privilege of confirming him a member of the church, so that was really a great opportunity!

1. At our investigator's (Chú Tú) baptism!
2. Chú Tú, Anh Duy (baptized Chú Tú), and me. 
3. At Chú Tú's baptism!
4. Our Branch Activity at the park!
5. Cooking bacon (perhaps for one of the first times in my life...:)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Elder Ly! Well done, thou good and faithful servant! I'm sure you will be greatly missed. I love you!
